so here is my lovely hair pin in the shape of a heart! I made one for myself and one for the girl i teach sunday school with at my church and i just think they are so cute!
Now these were really easy to make. you will just need a few things...
1.) duct tape in the color of your choice :)
2.) an index card
3.) tissue paper (only a little bit)
4.) bobby pin.
okay now how to make them....I'm going to have little drawing to show step by step because it was a little hard to tell in the pics i took.
alrighty step 1. Take your index card and draw out a heart (or whatever other shape you want to make this into) make sure you only draw your shape on half of the note card.

step 2. now fold your index card in half with the side you shape is facing up.
step 3. cut out your shape.
step 4. cover the front and back if you want with the duct tape of you choice. :)
step 5. with the two duct tape shapes on top of each other tape all the edges together except the top of your shape. if needed you can trim the edges after taping to make it look neater
( the darker pink is the part you should tape)
uummm im not going to have a picture for this thinkin you can figure it out ;) haha :)
step 7. tape the top closed just like you did for the edges.
so all your edges should be taped now :)
step 8. okay now flip over your shape so that the back is facing up.
step 9. grab your bobby pin and hold it open. then while holding it open take a small peice of duct tape and stick it to the inside of the top of the bobby pin so the stivky side is up.
step 9. tape the bobby pin onto the back of your shape so that the top of your bobby pin in against the the back of your shape...(so pretty much just stick it on the back with how the tape is already on your bobby pin.)
step 10. put in hair! :) yyaaayyy!!
If you have any questions abput making the hair pin just comment or send me an e-mail :) thanks again!