Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Pretty Duct Tape Bag

So I have been searching and searching for a duct tape bag that isn't just a cube with handles. After all this I FINALLY found one! Ironically enough it was on ductbrand.com the official Duck Tape website haha :) It just took a little searching through the website to find it! Now unfortunately my camera recently broke....but I made my bag with the same pattens of duct tape that they used on the website, so you'll get the idea.

TA DA! Isn't it lovely?  Anyways...you can find the tutorial here.
Now a few steps in this tutorial are a little hard to understand, so let me explain.
Step 3. Your going to make 2 triangles and then tape the bases (widest part) together.
Step 6. Now this is where most people become confused, but its really simple so don't worry. All you need to do is take the middle of the top edge of your bag and fold it over.  (fold it so the "flap" of the fold is on the inside of the bag.) then tape it. after folding the middle section keep folding the edges at an angle so that it becomes less and less that your folding.
Another thing that was rather tricky was finding some metal rings....i ended up using some of those rings you use to keep note cards together.
And that's pretty much it! Thanks so much! Good luck!

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