Sunday, January 22, 2012

I Did It!!

alright well for all of you who read this blog on a regular basis you may remeber that in my first post i said that if i had sparkely duct tape it would be the best thing ever!!! well i thought to myself ...Hey! why not just make it your self! so i got out some glitter and clear paint and painted up some solid color bows i randomly had lying around... :) you may be thinking..."what this girl is crazy enough to paint duct tape?? the answer is...yes...yes i am...;) haha anyways it turned out way cooler than i expected! :D hahah hope you enjoy :)

so here are all three bows i made :) i tried out differentcolors of glitter and i just can't pick which one is my favorite :)

pink glitter.....

some white glitter.....

or mabey some purple and blue glitter?? i just can't decide :) haha ps sorry the bows a little messed up here but you get the idea :)

and remeber of cource that these little bows can do so many things! I mean bow earings, headbands, hairclips, shoeclips (might be making some of those later FYI) and so much more! :)

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