Wednesday, February 29, 2012

finding ideas....

hey everybody so a few people have asked me  how i come up with ideas for new duct tape stuff..... so i thought id share with you some of my common inspriations as well as give you a chance to imput what you think i should be making ..... so here we go :)

a BIG inspiration for alot of my jewlery comes from lookinga at all the big necklaces at Forever 21!! ill post a few pick below of necklaces that have totally got me thinking of my next bi g jewlery item.

#1I really like this necklace but im not sure how it would work with duct tape being that the duct tape is so much lighter then chains....
#2this necklace would be super easy to make! If i get around to it ill post a DIY for it.....ill most likley do it in a different color tho.

#3this necklace was part of the inspiration for my silver flower necklace its really fun and im thinking of doing another necklace that looks more similar to this one....

#4okay how cool would this one be in duct tape?! i think i would still want to go with gold on this necklace ...which means a trip to hte store to buy some more duct tape :)

okay so if you look to your right..... you will see a poll to see which necklace you like the best and thing should go duct tape ;) the necklace will chosen will be made, then ill post a DIY for it! yay!! vote vote!!!

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