Monday, January 16, 2012

duct tape roses :)

hey you guys!!!! so here is the first DIY on Duct Tape Chic!!! Alrighty well today im gonna show you how to make a duct tape rose :)

Okay so I'm gonna use the splatter paint duct tape for the rose ...mainly because I have more of that color then anything eles hahah :)
1.) so first you need to rip/cut i peice of duct tape between 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 inch long peice of duct tape.

2.) Next you're going to fold your peice of duct tape about 3/4 over ...just enough so that you still have enough of the sticky side showing so that you can re-stick it to itseslf later :)

3.) okay- dokey (sorry for the bad pic) but now what your going to do is start at where the duct tape is folded over and using your sissors round off the folded over part of your duct tape strip.

4.) Now start by folding thte tip of the sticky part over. Next start rolling into a spiral

5.) keep rolling the duct tape around....i find that works best by pinching a little bit of the sticky part together then rolling it...this way the rose will flare out more.

so here's what your rose will look like after you have one strip rolled.

6.) alright now repeat steps 1-3

7.) Alright now take the strip you just cut and add it to you rose...i recomend adding it to the middle of the last strip you made.

8.) keep adding strips of duct tape until your rose is the desired with :)

Good Luck!! :) feel free to leave comments if you have any questions!

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