Monday, January 16, 2012

Tips and Tricks

Okay so here are some tips/ tricks I've picked up from all my duct taping :)

~ so first i would recomend that you buy/find a special pair of sissors that you use only for cutting duct tape....they tend to get kinda gunked up so its beter to just use one pair.

~ripping the duct tape off the roll will keep you having straight 'cutlines' however if you are cuttinbg thin pieces i would recomend just using sissors.

~when your folding tape  it works best (at least for me) if you start by folding then end in half then pull the other end tight so that that it bendsin the middle...then fold it in half.

~also useing certain colors work better then others. Some colors will show the sitcky sideof the tape more then others. ik i already said this hahha but colors like silver will show less then colors like black. (at least  in my personal expierence)

okay well theres just a few for you there...:) ill make sure to add more tips as i think of some :)

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