Sunday, January 15, 2012

Duct Tape Bows

Okay here we go:) the first Duct Tape post on Duct Tape Chic!! alrighty so here are some duct tape bows that i made when i was bored :) something you should know about me is that i lloovve to make jewlry :) especially when it looks classy ...not like a fruitloop necklace or something (theres ur first taste of my odd thought process ;) ) Anyways! the pictures are pretty bad on here but ill post a new post with a how too and some better pics later :)

Okay so like i said AWFUL pics .....but anyways heres the first Duct Tape Bow Earings I made :) These are made with the Lepord duct tape which to be honesst i wasn't to excited about getting at first...but i must addmit after making these little bows with it I have fallen in love :)

and here would be them in Zebra Duck Tape...which I must say i dont like as much....mainly cuz its a little harder to tell that its Zebra.....I also made some  larger bos in Pink Zebra which I like alot too but i didnt mkae any earing with that duct tape.

and here is the silver.....this is by far the worst picture and im embaressed to be posting it....hahah but i wanted to show you how shiny the silver is since i talked about it in my last post. :) The silver is really nice because its alot harder to tell if a little bit of the sticky side is showing....which tends too happen alot if your not a perfect tape folder :) (which i by no means am) Also liek i mentioned it's really shiny and every thing I make looks like its made out of a shiny metal....i wore these earing to school the other day and my friends were shocked when i told them this was duct tape! :)

The last I should mention is that all the duct tape I will be using will be Duck Brand duct tape...unless otherwise mention it.....Here's a link to their website in case you need to find a certain pattern or color of duct tape :) :) feel free tp request me to make stuff out of certain patterns too :) of cource if i can find that pattern or color is another story but hey it never hurts to try :)

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